Tru-Gard™ at Rooftop Carpark

This carpark is adjacent to and associated with Auckland’s Spark Arena. It’s a fifth-floor open-air public carpark that is located above various office spaces and a childcare centre. Hazards associated with the carpark include a moderate slope upwards on which cars are parked sideways, and there was no edge protection except for an aesthetic glass balustrade that would not stop a vehicle. The risk of accidently driving a vehicle over the edge and plummeting to street level below was fairly high.

We recommended Tru-Gard™ Certified Safety Barrier 610-1 configuration, which has been tested and accredited for impact-resistance against 7-tonne vehicles. It meets AS/NZS structural standards for carparks and provides a reliable safety net for distracted drivers who may put their vehicle in ‘Drive’ instead of ‘Reverse’, or apply the accelerator instead of the brake. A number of mishaps could have previously ended in disaster here, but we’re confident that most would now be avoided with the addition of this barrier system. It’s certainly a much safer car park now!