Tru-Gard™ at Sheep Meat Processing Plant

We have completed several projects at meat processing plants in recent years, each one varying according to the site layout, type of traffic, pedestrian access and management requests.

Silver Fern Farms Waitane, is a small sheep meat processing plant that punches above its weight in terms of product throughput. Located in Southland, a strong sheep farming area of New Zealand, this busy plant contributes significantly to the country’s supply of quality lamb cuts for both domestic and international markets.

As with other plants, a number of stock trucks, freight trucks, utility vehicles and forklifts are consistently visiting and travelling around the site. Waitane Health & Safety Managers wanted to create more obvious pathways for staff and visitors at the plant, with the added protection of safety barrier, hand rail for certain areas, and personnel gates at critical points.

In consultation with our team, different barrier configurations were laid out in various areas according to risk level and traffic volume. As seen in the photos, 610-1 Barrier with Hand Rail attached, and 910-2 Barrier without Hand Rail were the popular choice. ‘Driver safety zones’ were also constructed for visiting truck drivers to be able to stand safely outside their vehicle during loading and unloading times.